The Northland coast is battered and hardened and windswept, a coastline of southern right whales and dolphins and waves that hammer the shore. This is the coast on which a thousand sandcastles have been built and washed away. A thousand sunburns. A thousand picnics. A thousand lives. This is the coast of our childhood.

Sun in Gemini is comprised of the self-titled novella about friends who accidentally fall into the hardships of adulthood, and five short stories ranging in topics such as death, loss, love and heartbreak, ghostly figures, and apocalyptic visions, all set in summer in New Zealand.

Cover illustration by Jack Bailey.

Is it nostalgia to long for a time that was carefree? Is
it nostalgia to realise that a certain epoch marked a
significant change in one’s psyche? Is it nostalgia to long for
the people that you had to bury along the way? In a series of
events in a matter of days, a row of dominoes were about to
fall, as if an explosive had been primed without our
knowledge. Just about everything we did that year would
never be repeated. I still think about that. I’m sure I always

-Sun in Gemini